Tag: Settings

Desktop Application Device Settings

This article explains the device settings 1. Click the 3 horizontal bars in the top right of the application (Hamburger Menu) 2. Click Configuration 3. Click Devices Default Text Default Text: This is what shows at all times between transactions. Usually a welcome banner or company message. 1. Click the Pencil on the right to edit these fields   2. Add your desired text (20 characters max.) Note: Below is what it looks like when the field is editable 3. Click the Save button in the top right after editing Thank You Text Thank You Text: This is custom text that shows briefly after a payment is taken 1. Click the Pencil on the right to edit these fields   2. Add your desired text (20 characters max.) Note: Below is what it looks like when the field is editable 3. Click the Save button in the top right

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Audit Categories (setup)

What are Audit Categories – NetPark has the ability to track different actions that occur within the system. We have set up specific categories which correspond to a certain event. These events can trigger an email being sent out to (a) certain user(s).  – This is not to be confused with the Audit Log which is a specific report which shows all activity for the location  Setting up Audit Categories 1. To begin, from the dashboard, users will click on Maintenance, then click on Audit Categories. 2. Within this screen users will have a list off all the available audit categories offered by netPark.  3. To begin tracking a certain category, simply check the box next to Email Alert and then add the email in the Email Alert section. You may add as many emails as needed using a comma to separate each one. 

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