Reset Uniterm for HTK/CTK

Support » Uncategorized » Reset Uniterm for HTK/CTK

1. Get into service mode

a. Get HTK/CTK into Administrative mode:
1. CTK – Open up device and flip switch to “Program”
2. HTK – Put key in program mode (key is up and down vertically and “clicks”)

b. Login with 00 for ID and 12345 for Pass

c. Hit “Service Mode”

d. Select “Service Mode Reboot”

c. Enter password “51You92Up” for Hamilton Administrator Account

2. Login to Windows when Service Mode Reboot finishes

a. Select “Hamilton Administrator” and enter password “51You92Up”

3. Once logged in, try to start a remote session to netPark

a. Go to and download & run netPark Remote Support tool

b. If successful, netPark will take over from 4+. If not, continue with 4+ yourself

4. Go to the Start Menu and run “File Explorer”

5. Navigate to: c:\Hamilton\Utilities\EMV\uniterm\bin

6. Run “uniterm.exe” (might be displayed as “uniterm | Application”)

a. To run, double-tap program (this runs in the background and will not load anything up)

7. Run “uniterm_tester.exe” (might be displayed as “uniterm_tester | Application”)

a. To run, double-tap program (this will load an interface)

8. In the Monetra Login box (far left) plug in the following details:

a. The Username field typically has a value like “test_emv:lu” or something similar in it

b. Clear the Username field and enter the user provided by netPark

c. Clear the Password field and enter the password provided by netPark

9. Move over to the “Device” fields on the far right of the application now

a. In the Connection Dropdown (shows “HID” by default), select “Serial”

b. In the Port dropdown (shows “COMM1” by default), select the “Ingenic” option (not certain of exact text, but should reference ingenic)

c. In the Firmware (?) box below the port dropdown, select “Ingenic RBA 14+” (or similar option)

10. Click the “Sale” button on the far left

11. Hit “Send” on the far right

a. If all works correctly, this should show a progress bar and activate the reader for a sales transaction

b. You do not need to perform the transaction. At this point, hit cancel and exit all of the applications, the issue should be resolved

12. Go back to the Desktop and run “Start HTK”

a. Do a test transaction to verify that everything is working as expected

b. If it is, reboot

13. Windows will load up again, login with password “51You92Up”. Run the “Exit Service Mode” utility on the Desktop and reboot

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