This article explains the device settings
1. Click the 3 horizontal bars in the top right of the application (Hamburger Menu)
2. Click Configuration
3. Click Devices
Default Text: This is what shows at all times between transactions. Usually a welcome banner or company message.
1. Click the Pencil on the right to edit these fields
2. Add your desired text (20 characters max.)
Note: Below is what it looks like when the field is editable
3. Click the Save button in the top right after editing
Thank You Text: This is custom text that shows briefly after a payment is taken
1. Click the Pencil on the right to edit these fields
2. Add your desired text (20 characters max.)
Note: Below is what it looks like when the field is editable
3. Click the Save button in the top right after editing
Signature Capture: Allows you to capture signatures from customers. This can be enabled and disabled here.
Note: This requires you to have a Topaz Signature Capture Pad. Contact if you do not have one.