UVG Validations
The Unique Voucher Generator or UVG, allows users to create special vouchers within netPark Creating A New Voucher Group 1. Click Maintenance 2. Click Unique Voucher Generator 2. Click the “New Voucher Group” Button in the top right of the screen These vouchers are one time use and can be used to: Apply a Coupon Apply a Discount Validate parking Create a Groupon Vouchers are redeemed via the Close Ticket Screen Note: when printing, make sure that there isn’t any sort of setting that is attempting to scale or “fit” the PDF. This can cause alignment issues when printing to the cards UVG Breakdown Voucher Codes – These codes are 12 digits. Some may need leading 0’s added. Search Field – users can search for specific vouchers by voucher details Display Selector – users can select how many vouchers they want displayed per page in the results Voucher Search Details – users