Swap HTK/CTK EMV Reader

Support » Self-Park » Swap HTK/CTK EMV Reader

This guide walks through the process of swapping out an existing card swipe OR replacing an existing EMV reader with a new EMV reader for an HTK/CTK.

CTK/HTK Remove Swipe
#4. CTK/HTK Remove Swipe
CTK/HTK Remove Swipe Plate
#3. CTK/HTK Remove Swipe Internal Plate

Converting swipe to EMV

  1. Power down HTK/CTK
  2. Determine position of current card reader
  3. Remove 5 nuts holding mount plate and backer
  4. Remove 5 nuts holding reader & plate
  5. Remove old swipe reader
  6. Follow instructions for installing new EMV reader

Swapping existing EMV reader/Installing new EMV reader

#4. Insert EMV & Bracket into CTK/HTK with screws.
CTK/HTK Insert EMV into bracket
#2. Insert EMV reader into bracket. Screw in and apply bead of silicone if applicable.
  1. If have existing EMV, remove screws from current bracket to remove reader
  2. Insert EMV reader into bracket and insert 4 screws
  3. If replacing swipe bracket, add bead of silicone before mounting to HTK/CTK
  4. Insert 4 nuts from inside to mount bracket
  5. Connect wiring for power and communication

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