Category: Accounts

How To Maintain Stalls

Maintaining Stalls inside of netPark is an easy and hassle-free process that allows you to assign stalls to customers to keep them parking at the same spot over and over again. Our Stall feature is built to be integrated with our recurring system so that you can ensure a recurring customer always has a spot. Using our Stall feature will allow you to be able to see when a recurring parker is on the lot when they are off the lot, and when you have available spacing directly from our Stall Maintenance screen or on the Dashboard using our Stall Inventory Widget. Creating Stall(s) The first step in learning how to set up stalls is by making sure you are set up to do so. Make sure you have parking zones set up as well as recurring rate groups that are attached to said

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Condo Management System

The Condo Management System provides an easy to use method to allow condo owners and management companies the ability to manage their available parking spaces for guests staying at their condos, utilizing our Parking Pass System. The system is configured to allow you to manage Units, Individual Owner-Operators and Management Companies, as well as provide access to various personnel who should have the ability to manage these properties. Groups and Companies will have individual Accounts associated with them that allow those individuals to login the website interface and create Parking Passes for their guests, who then have the ability to login to the website themselves and pay for their parking. This guide provides a quick guide on how to setup and manage the backend system powering the Condo Management System. Creating and Managing Groups & Companies The first step of setting up a new

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Frequent Parker Program

The FPP System is extremely flexible and allows customers to earn points for an amount or days off of a future reservation. This article will show you how to setup your Frequent Parker Program. This includes, configuring and setting expiration. Before the FPP system can be utilized, it must be configured. There are several options for earning and redeeming points. These articles with briefly walk you through each aspect: Configuring FPP for Rates – Learn how to add points to rates to be earned for parking stays Configuring FPP for Services – Learn how to add points to services to be earned for parking stays Creating FPP Coupons – Learn how to create coupons that can be used to redeem points for parking days. Redeeming Points – Learn how customers redeem points Redeeming FPP from clients – Learn how to get setup so customers can redeem points through a 3rd

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Prepaid Accounts and Cards

This article gives a brief overview of the Prepaid screens and how to setup prepaid accounts & cards. Prepaid Cards are pre-purchased blocks of days for future use on tickets. Prepaid Account Screen How to use the Prepaid Account Screen: Click Register>Gift Cards and Prepaid Accounts How to Load a Prepaid Account: When clicking on the load action, you will be taken to a new screen that will allow inventory to be added to an account. In order to create new inventory for a prepaid account, users will need to go to Maintenance, then Prepaid Inventory Maintenance. Users will be able to enable and disable inventory in this section. Creating a New Prepaid Account To create a new account, click Register>Gift Cards and Prepaid Accounts>Add Account  Blue fields are the only required fields that must be filled in. It is suggested to fill out as much information as you can. You can click Dismiss to delete

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Parking Zones in Customer Accounts

Setting up Parking Zones for Customer Accounts Parking Zones are a great way to differentiate your customer accounts and make sure they enter their correct areas of parking.  To set up the Parking Zone, go into the Accounts section of netPark and select the customer that you want to add a Parking Zone to. Then select the Rates & Discounts tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on + Add Parking Zone. Make sure the Parking Zone is set up in advance. To learn how to create a parking zone, click here.   Select the parking zone and then any other values that are necessary.  When completed, click the Blue Check Box and save the customer. How Parking Zones work with Customer Accounts If a location has self-park devices these parking zones can lock down the self-park devices and only allow customers with

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Customer Reset Password

This article reviews the process for customers resetting their passwords and the common issues that they can experience when trying to do so and how to resolve them.

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Receive Payments

Receiving Payments

Typically the recurring system will handle billing for accounts automatically. There are times when a payment is received outside of the billing cycle. For that you can manually collect a payment and apply to invoices as needed.

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