This article gives a brief overview of the gift card screens and how to setup gift cards. They are pre-purchased dollars for future use on tickets.
Gift Cards
In the Gift Cards screen, users can see a list of all gift cards in the system. Users can get a log or export a log of all prepaid cards by clicking on the blue Gift Card Log or Export Results. Users can also get information of a single user and perform various tasks by clicking the green “Actions” button..
Gift Cards Maintenance Screen
If you do not have a Gift Card option please contact for further assistance.
1. Click Register
2. Click on Gift Card & Prepaid Accounts
3. You can load, refund, and credit gift cards that are already in the system
4. You can also add a new one by clicking New Gift Card button on the right

Users can Load, Refund and check Usage and Purchase History
By clicking on a Gift Card account, a new screen will pop up and users will be able to Load, Refund, and check Usage and Purchase History
Allows users to put an amount of money on a card and add any notes as well as tie a customer account to the card.
Shows users any amounts refunded to a gift card. Includes the Payment Date, Payment ID, Payment Type, User ID, Amount, and Actions
Usage and Purchase History shows what transactions are associated to the gift card. Includes the Transaction Date, Ticket Number, Transaction Type, User ID and Transaction Amount